Most people stay away from poetry while it is approached by the few. For those few people, it took them more time to write poems rather than to read. Most of them are used to reading poems by extensive-reading or skimming instead of intensive-reading or studying. Fewer and fewer people, like bees, gather the special experience and understanding from personal reading, and make them into a kind of “honey” which is easy to taste and digest for most people. I am going to be such a little bee.

Poems reading is so important

None of a writing life starts up without the reading. Poets once were the people who knew nothing about poetry. But, one day, they accidentally opened the wardrobe’s door of interest when they were reading, and went into the Narnia of poetry finally. Poems reading is so important.

Someone goes to the gym, and someone reads poems. They are both serious at first, and have a fruitful harvest in the end.  Poems reading not only exercises the muscles of our thought, but also builds up the bones of our soul. It is a word game with riddles waiting for readers to decipher and an adventure in which everyone could spread the wings of imagination. A soul can shake hands with another soul in a poem, and a world wakes up in another world when Jake becomes Avata. Poems reading is so important.

By reading, the readers bring a work to life in which the spiritual power could be communicated from one heart to another. A work without a second reader(except the author) seems like a battery without any circuit outside, so the current will never flow despite it is a new one fulling of energy. Conversely, the more readers a work has, the more vigorous and longer it lives. When people read it again and again, the spirit of the author living in the work revives again and again. With spreading widely through time and space, beyond race and culture, it not only flows into readers’ hearts like a brook, but also runs into the ocean of spiritual wealth of mankind. Every reader participates in this creation. Poems reading is so important.

I believe, I can do,  I hope for

Poems are not Yeti in the Himalayas, on the contrary we can get a large number of works by web search. But, for poets, the problem is that they are always short of readers rather than the confidants. For the people far from the poetry, what do they all lack? A part of them thought it’s too difficult to find what they need in poetry, and others thought what they need is not in poetry. Auguste Rodin said:“Beauty is everywhere. It is not that she is lacking to our eye, but our eyes which fail to perceive her.”These eyes are both the ability to discover the beauty, and the desire to chase the beauty.

It’s romantic to meet a favorite poem as if a traveler picks up a wild fruit on the roadside when he is thirsty.  Reading a fantastic poem is as sweet as tasting a juicy fruit.  Today, for poetry, if works as the vegetables and fruits could be put into some showcase after carefully selected, even in the supermarket and convenience store, this long-lost surprise will still happen.  “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  No matter in the past or at present, there is always a wonderful ocean adventure waiting for Pi and his Richard Parker, and there are always Hobbits who follow the call of duty and march forward courageously. Above desire and consumption, we have some nobler dreams — This is what I believe.

Certainly, poems will not be labeled with nutrition facts, calories and suitable group, and placed on the shelves of store with beautiful advertising signs like promotional items for attracting customers’ eyes. But if someone can properly present the interest and beauty of those works, as some movie commentary with a little spoiler on the YouTube, it will help more people to read them easily. Is the best commentary or appreciation the best advertisement for a poem? An oil lamp can light another — This is what I can do.

“Poems writing is interesting.” “Poems writing is not easy.” “Poems writing is creation.” Actually, the same is true of poems reading. As Buddha’s words—”a world in a wild flower”, there is a world in every poem. Reading a poem is a challenging time-space travel in this world, even if it is always one person’s adventure. But, if the adventure could be shown as the movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey or Interstellar, that must be wonderful — This is what I hope for.

No child would like to see sleeping beauty waiting more than thousands of years for a prince’s kiss, and no lover of poetry wants his beloved works to be rusty antiques, laying on the seabed solitarily. I am a man who loves poetry by writing and reading.  I collect the happiness and thinking of reading poems into this collection, Read Poems Alone, and share our love for poetry, life, and the world with everyone.

Let’s read! Let the afloat soul lands on the peaceful ground.








当然,诗作不会被标注出营养成分、卡路里含量和适宜人群,放在商店货架上,也不会像促销商品为吸引更多的眼球打出广告,但如果有人能将作品的意趣和美妙适当呈现出来,就像 YouTube 上那些稍带一点剧透的电影解说做的那样,一定有助于人们更轻松地读起诗来。对一首诗而言,最好的作品解说或赏析不正是最好的广告吗?一盏灯可以点亮另一盏灯——这是我能做的。


